Thursday, April 2, 2015

Reduced Training Week in Wisconsin

From the 2013 Cheesehead Roubaix
© 2013, Moroder Photography
To avoid "burying the lead" I'll just throw it out there right now... ship your bike and fly out to Wisconsin for the Cheesehead Roubaix, April 26th. My brother in law, Dave Hanrahan has founded this great ride that is in the tradition of the spring classics of Europe. I got an abbreviated preview of this ride, and it is definitely a blast for those participating. While I can't attend this year (it's the same date as the Wente road race here in California), I hope to do the full route in the future. More on this great event later in this post.

It's been just over two years since my wife, Jen and I have made it back to the Milwaukee Wisconsin area, to visit her side of the family. Now, after twenty years of visits to Jen's place of origin, this California native has finally sampled of all four its seasons. It seems this midwestern spring is rather mild–two or three days of 18-30 degree temperature, followed by two or three days topping out at 50 degrees or so. There is no snow left, just frozen earth and thin ice on standing water in the bogs and ditches.

With one of my favorite road races coming up this Saturday, this trip away from my bike would certainly create a break from my weekly ten-hour training schedule. Either the reduced intensity will help or hurt... I'll find out on Saturday.

The Domes, in Milwaukee
With Jen, her mom Carol and dad Tony at the Domes
Staying at Jen's parent's home in Franklin, WI, Jen and I do daily three-mile walks around Mud Lake in Grobschmidt Park to at least keep the body moving.

In winter I love hearing the ice covering the lake “sing” as the surface expands and heaves. Right now, there is no ice, but there are lots of Cardinals and Robins. The native trees and smaller plants are still dormant, but once the ground defrosts, I assume buds will erupt everywhere.

Two nights in West Bend, at Maria and Dave's home (Jen's sister and her husband), was great fun and also reunited me with two-wheeled workouts. Many faceted brother-in-law Dave is a strong CX and XC racer in Wisconsin. He doesn't just race, train and ride, but advocates for cycling. His blog posts remind me how involved one can be in the cycling community and beyond.

Dave loves road cycling as well, and in the tradition of the European cobbled spring classics, founded and organized the CheeseheadRoubaix. This 63-mile, unsupported group ride is growing every year, and I have to say that its ten miles of dirt, gravel, and very possibly slippery mud, it's worth a special trip in late April from anywhere in the country.

Jeff's bike on Dave's trainer, in the "gym"
photo: Jennifer Kinion
Dave's Pedal Moraine teammate Jeff Wren (also a competitor) came by to lend me his beautiful Felt CX bike. Jeff rocks. It was closer to my size than all of Dave's bikes.

While on Sunday the weather turned warm, it rained all day. I put in a 100-minute stationary trainer workout. Monday the sky cleared, the temperature topped out at 50-degrees, and Dave took me on a 42-mile loop which showed off a couple portions of the Cheesehead Roubaix route.
Dave and I before rolling out for a 42-miler
photo: Jennifer Kinion
I brought my pedals and road shoes, and borrowed Dave's spare helmet and a water bottle. I was thrilled to discover that Jeff's 54cm frame fit me pretty well. Rides from Dave's place usually start and end on the beautiful Eisenbahn Trail, with access right across the street. After thirty minutes of warmup, I did some sprints, then settled in while Dave showed off the countryside which, even in its dormant state, is strikingly beautiful.

Lover's Lane: The first, and most challenging section of gravel on the Cheeshead Roubaix route
Dave topping the tough uphill grind
While time was short on this day, Dave incorporated the first and last sections of gravel that lucky riders of the Cheesehead Roubaix will grind over.

I can't thank Dave and Jeff enough for arranging some training time for me on this trip. While I gained four pounds or so eating fish fry on Friday evening with the family...
The family having fish fry
and frozen custard from Leon's after a trip to the domes...
What's frozen custard? Think "gelato", but even better!
I think I'll still be ok for this Saturdays Copperopolis road race.

1 comment:

  1. It was great to have you here! Too bad about Sunday's weather; that could have been an opportunity to experience the entire Cheesehead Roubaix route. Maybe next time ...
