Friday, June 6, 2014

Oh Those Busy Weekends!

Arrrgh! I really hate to skip the Pescadero Coastal Classic this weekend. It's on Saturday (tomorrow as I post this) but I've got a full weekend booked. I know it's a wussy thing to worry about crashes, but the rest of my band would be justifiably furious if I couldn't show up due to a mishap on the bike. You see on Sunday, my band No Exit is playing at San Francisco's Haight Ashbury Street Fair at 11am on the Masonic Stage.

Missing the race is disappointing but playing at such a large event in San Francisco will be a blast. And since I don't have to leave until 8:15 to meet the rest of the band at the stage, I'll have time to watch some of the first stage of the Critérium du Dauphiné before I take off.

The Pescadero Coastal Classic is a popular NorCal road race... in fact I noticed more than a week ago that online registration for my age group (m45 4) had closed already because the field was filled. Of the eleven races I've done this year I've raced with the m35 cat4 group five times, so I'd have happily done so again this weekend. I'm 53 but so far I haven't noticed any difference in speed, power or tactics between the m35s and m45s.

I'll still squeeze in a local training ride Saturday and look at the NCNCA calendar to see what races to do next. I'm really interested in the Little City Stage Race, June 20, 21 & 23. And of course there's the Mt. Diablo Hillclimb TT on June 21st.

I really should take a lesson from my brother-in-law Dave, who had a great post this morning on his blog about "tapering." He wisely takes a longer-term approach to preparing for races. I'm not only too disorganized to successfully plan ahead that much, but I'm often racing several weekends in a row. The only tapering I have time to do is to have my last hard training ride on Wednesday or Thursday, then easy spin/recovery rides until that weekend's race(s).

I'm managing to average about 175 miles per week (10 hrs/wk) lately. I'll hit 3000 miles for the year this weekend and have 212,657ft of elevation gain. This month if time allows, I'll attempt to increase weekly bike hours to 11. In July, bump it up to 12.

No Exit on
No Exit on

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