Monday, July 18, 2016

Colavita Grand Prix Criterium, Sunday July 17, 2016

Combined M45+/55+ cat 123 (27 starters)

  • M45+ 22
  • M55+ 5

No teammates today, but many friends in the pack.

4th of 5

A 1.2 mile loop with no sharp corners. There is a slight “hill” after turn 1, and a slight descent after turn 2, descending gradually through a gentle chicane. The finish is 480 meters from the last corner.

Mid 70’s with a 12-14 mph wind from the west. The back side of the course was into the wind, and the 3rd stretch had a stiff crosswind from the right.

The Race
Not plying great depths in this report. I rode 4th/5th wheel in the first lap. Riders attacked, Brian McAndrews (M55+ cat 2, Thirsty Bear p/b Akamai) jumped on and so did I, but there was no real gap. That first lap was over 28 mph. 

Riders attacked on lap 2, and I did my best to stay about 10th wheel, but quickly lost shelter as the course took us into the wind on the back side. As the pack strung out to begin lap 3, a few of us were off the back. I tried to go anaerobic as long as I could to latch back on but the pack disappeared over the little hill after turn 1.

I had David Garzoli (45+, unattached) and Jess Raphael (M55+ cat 3, 3 Ft. - It's The Law) for company, but they both seemed tired. I pulled us around for a lap or two, then David and Jess started taking turns at the front. David said “good luck” a couple of laps later and withdrew. I was willing to forge onward, while I mistook Jess’ lackluster effort. I’ve never been dropped in a criterium before, so I wasn’t aware that it would be allowed to latch back onto the pack after being lapped (we’d just have to race each other one more lap after they finished).

Instead I attacked and dropped Jess a couple of laps later and plugged along at a measly 23 mph, with my heart rate averaging 173 bpm, for the rest of the “race”.

With 4-1/2 laps to go, two breakaway riders, Kyle Glerum (M45, cat 2, Peet's Coffee Racing) and Gardie Jackson (M45, cat 1, Thirsty Bear p/b Akamai), flew past, lapping me. They sat up, looking at one another, apparently playing cat and mouse, with a 20-second gap to the chasers. I guess it would’ve been ok to hitch onto them, but I wasn’t sure. Another 3/4 of a lap later, the pack passed me. Again I guess I should’ve latched on, especially since for all I knew, Jess might be in that bunch.

I asked the moto if I was supposed to drop out, but he said I could stay in if I wanted. I plowed along, the pack finished, I did my last lap and came in 4th of 5.

Lessons Learned
While I was smart enough to start in the front row, I raced stupidly after the whistle. I’m not strong enough to chase attacks that early in the race. All that did was make me too tired to stick with the pack. I’m probably the only rider who had to ride at lactate threshold for the whole race.

On being lapped, let’s refer to the USA Cycling rule book:
3D4. Riders who have lost contact with the field, and are then caught by a breakaway from the field, may not lead. Riders off the front of the field may not accept assistance from riders who have lost contact with the back of the field. Lapped riders may rejoin and race with the field in cases where lapped riders are not being withdrawn by the officials.
It would've been much less work to jump into the pack, but even better yet to maintain contact in the first place. I hope not to need this bit of information in the future:-/.

As it turned out, Jess Raphael did find shelter in the pack, but since I was only a half lap behind the field, I didn't risk my precious 4th place.

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