Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Colavita-Norcal Grand Prix (criterium)

No, this isn't the finish–just another shot at a prime
photo: Jennifer Kinion
Event Colavita-Norcal Grand Prix (criterium)
Date 7/20/2014
Group Masters 45/55+ Cat 3/4
Bib # 952
Result tbd
Course (per flyer) Located in Novato, CA at the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company Campus. The Course is 1.1 miles, totally enclosed, private property, excellent pavement, lots of parking. Long straight finish.
Details of Race
It wasn't until the day before that I decided to do this race. While I want to race as often as possible, admittedly I try to select events that offer the best potential for accumulating upgrade points. This race had two strikes against it: category 4 mixed with cat 3. And the fact that it is a criterium. I figured that the chance of placing well among cat 3 racers wasn't great. I've done okay in crits, but I'm certainly no specialist.

I pre-rode the course the day before the race and found it to be relatively flat, fast and non-technical. No sharp turns and the road surface is excellent. I decided to race.

After a long, dry summer and spring, race day was muggy and humid with occasional drizzle threatening to grease up the course.

Our race was not only a combination of cat 3 & 4, but the 45+ masters were combined with the 55+ masters. While the two age groups would be picked separately, the categories would not. I couldn't count riders but I'm guessing there were at least 40 of us.

photo: Jennifer Kinion

The combination of a subtle elevation gain and coincidental headwind on the backside of the course had a huge impact on rider speed in that area. I often used this section to move up through the peloton and a couple of times launched attacks here also.

There were two or three breakaway attempts by others which didn't stick. I resisted the urge to chase, trying to sit in and conserve energy for my silly “prime-dreams”.

photo: Jennifer Kinion

By the bell lap, the pack was still together. The average speed increased to 28-29 mph as we all attempted to maneuver into the front of the pack. On the backside of the course I was about to accelerate when two squirrely jackasses cut sharply across from right to left, missing my front wheel by less than an inch. Yeah, this is racing and it's a crit, so sure there's going to be some knocking around but that kind of disregard is inexcusable. The rider who nearly clipped me was big but I launched my acceleration and on the way past him I really got in his face with some foul language that I'm not proud of. I think I hurt his feelings, but my main message was “Watch your @#&!ing line you d#ck!”

Because of the slight delay in launching my acceleration I was not in the front ten riders by the last turn. I was too far back on the 300-meter straightaway to be anywhere close to a good result.

As we gathered to see posted results, the finish official apologetically informed us that the camera “choked” and didn't record the riders crossing the line. He asked us to help him sort out the finishing order by recounting what we saw. A still photographer who had been shooting photos also helped out by showing his shots on the small LCD panel on the back of his camera.

Everyone was certain who the top three riders were, which was good enough for distributing prizes. Eventually after comparing the photographer's pictures with riders' kits, and even tattoos, a partial, hand-scrawled, semi-official result sheet was posted.

My number was nowhere on the sheet. I knew I was at least twelve or more riders back of the winner, but in all of my results to date, I'm really proud and feel very lucky to not have any DNPs or DNFs (Did Not Place or Did Not Finish). I didn't want this to be my first, so I chatted with the official after he was walking the results of a later race over to be recorded and posted. I mentioned that my dad had his GoPro camera recording near the finish line and the official's eyes lit up. He said if I could send him that video file he might be able to use it to confirm some more of the results. He gave me his business card and I drove up to dad's house to copy the file. That evening I sent it to the official via one of my online file transfer services.

I haven't heard back from him and as yet there's no evidence that he has downloaded the file.

No official results have been posted yet but from the looks of the frame-grabs that dad made from the video, I came in about 20th in the group.
That's me back there with a big old "20" underneath
image: Tim Kinion

For the heck of it I'll update when results are posted.

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